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Supporting Your Mental Health During a Rainy Season

Not only can rain make us feel groggy or slow-moving, but there are many factors that may lead to mood changes when we are in a particularly rainy season.

(Disclaimer: we are all of course, very different. Within those differences, we all experience different emotions and circumstances individually. Some people are extremely bothered by rain, others find it a time to relax and take advantage of a lazy day when possible. However, these are backed by research, personal experience and working with people through weather and mood correlations.)

Ok so what’s up with my mood right now?

  • Not going out as much-wanting to avoid plans during the rain, traffic considerations, staying inside rather than making plans outdoors

  • Barometric pressure can alter mood, may trigger headaches or other physical grief

  • Less exposure to sunlight-Lower levels of Vitamin D ultimately affect our mood& lowers energy

  • Humidity (especially when it’s warmer)-stress hormones rise along with humidity (and heat) due to increased core temperature

So now we can’t say we don’t know why we are crabby or low energy when it’s raining for days! Now that we know why, let’s focus on what we can do about it. (If you’re like me, you might always try to understand the why first, then move into the now what or how.)

Embracing the rainy days ahead

1. Plan. Look at the forecast for the upcoming week. Do you see a lot of green on the radar? Make a plan. If you were supposed to meet a friend at the park on Wednesday, go ahead and make the call to meet indoors and change plans back to the park if you catch a lucky break.

2. Relax. Since you know that you will most likely have lower energy on those days, can you buy a new candle, tea (or comforting treat of choice) and plan for a movie marathon?

3. Work. What about in the middle of your work day? How can you support feeling “meh” while you have clients to call, customers to work with, or deadlines to meet? Coffee break? Mid-day music? You might have to get creative, but change it up, try something new, and don’t be afraid to just feel a little lower than usual.

4. Take your Vitamin D!

5. Projects. Look around your house. What’s something you’ve been putting off for a bit? Washing the dog’s bed, putting new family pictures in frames, reorganizing the coat closet, etc. I know it’s hard to find the energy, but if you can get started, it might feel really good to be productive during a rainy day.

6. Support physical health. Move your body. Exercise, dance, go for a walk around the mall, etc. Research has proven that exercise releases hormones that make us feel better. Again, sometimes it’s hard to get the motivation to get started, but if you can break through the slump, you might end up feeling really good.

7. Wildcard! Play in the rain. Even better if splash in the puddles. I promise you will make a core memory for your little ones, and yourself. The mess will be real, but the quality time will be worth it all!

What do you do to support your mood during gloomy, gray, rainy days? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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