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Slow Down Babe: I Just Had to Listen to My Body, Here’s Why You Should Too.

Hey there, beautiful people!

I hope this blog post finds you well, knowing that it’s full of understanding and self-love. Today, I want to share a personal story that unfolded last week—a story that left me feeling grateful for the precious gift of intuition, support from others and compassion for myself.

As a mom, a counselor, business owner, and coach, I'm constantly buzzing with energy and a drive to support and uplift others. I wear many hats, juggling responsibilities with grace and enthusiasm. But last week, amidst the busy hustle, my body decided to intervene—a little wake-up call that couldn't be ignored.

It all started with a simple accident, hitting my head on my son’s bed…not exciting, I know. But it was enough to give me the worst headache imaginable which led me to the doctor to confirm it was a concussion. If you’ve never had one, consider yourself lucky. Doctor’s orders included rest, no loud noises or bright lights, absolutely no screen time TV or phone, and more rest. Umm excuse me, that legit sounds miserable. The first time I got my phone out, I saw what the doc was talking about. I could truly feel the pain all over from having the light stimulation. So…I rested.

During that time, there wasn’t a whole lot of sleeping. But there was a LOT of thinking. I was a little annoyed with myself for such a silly, avoidable accident. I was under his loft bed helping him with something but my mind was going 90 miles a minute thinking of the next task I had to get to. So I raised up with a fast, mindless force that nearly knocked me out. When I was thinking about the whole scenario, I quickly gave myself some grace and stopped discounting myself. I’m clearly out of alignment if I’m rushing through my home that much. I recognized that I need to be more mindful and ultimately slow down, especially when I’m with my family.

Was this the universe yelling, "Slow down!” I don’t know but I’m going to say I heard her loud and clear!

I had a choice—ignore the doctors orders and my clear pain & symptoms or listen and embrace the opportunity to pause, slow down and recalibrate. I chose the latter. Taking a moment to really tune in, I discovered that my body was craving rest and rejuvenation far before this concussion. It was urging me to practice what I preach—to prioritize my well-being.

In our fast-paced world, where productivity is celebrated, it can be challenging to embrace stillness. We often feel the pressure to be constantly busy, achieving, and ticking off items on never-ending to-do lists. But I've learned that true growth and healing happen when we pause, when we create space to listen, and when we allow ourselves to simply be.

So, dear friends, I encourage you to join me in this kind act of slowing down. Let's honor the messages our bodies send us, for they hold profound wisdom and insight into what we truly need. Here are a few tips that are helping me find balance and embrace the art of slowing down:

  1. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to those whispers—headaches, fatigue, or any other signs of stress or exhaustion. Your body knows what it needs, so give yourself permission to rest and recharge. Don’t wait for the universe to scream at you 😉

  2. Create Sacred Rituals: Incorporate small moments of self-care into your daily routine. Whether it's a few minutes of deep breathing, journaling, a soothing cup of tea, or a short walk in nature, these rituals can be grounding and restorative.

  3. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no and protect your time and energy. It's okay to decline invitations or commitments that feel overwhelming. Your well-being is a priority. If your plans change and that’s hard for you, consider why that’s difficult and take that as a sign that you need to practice being more flexible with yourself.

  4. Disconnect to Reconnect: Take breaks from technology and social media. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment, savoring life's simple joys. Gosh this one was hard for me but I HAD to do it. I did feel calmer knowing that getting on my phone wasn’t an option. I also connected with my inner voice so well. It told me things I needed to hear and I will be listening more now.

  5. Embrace Imperfection: Remember that you don't have to be constantly productive or have everything figured out. Embrace the beauty of imperfection and give yourself grace. If you have people that expect a lot from you, consider how you might set boundaries for yourself in those dynamics.

Let's choose to honor our bodies, embrace the ebb and flow of life, and cultivate a deep sense of self-compassion. As we slow down, we create space for healing, growth, and meaningful connections with ourselves and others.

Remember, it's okay to press pause. In fact, it's essential. So, take a deep breath, smile, and let's walk this journey of self-care and authenticity together.

Speaking of slowing down and nurturing our bodies, I'm excited to share some wonderful news with you! I've recently launched a new wellness shop on Fullscript, where you can explore a thoughtfully curated selection of vitamins and supplements that beautifully complement your journey towards balance and tranquility.

In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to overlook the essential nutrients our bodies need to thrive. That's why I handpicked a range of high-quality supplements known for their calming and grounding properties. From soothing herbal blends to nourishing vitamins, each product in the shop is carefully selected to support your wellness goals.

Here are a few highlights from the Fullscript shop:

  1. Relaxation Essentials: Discover a collection of herbal supplements designed to ease tension and promote relaxation, allowing you to unwind and find peace after a long day.

  2. Adaptogens for Stress Support: Embrace the power of adaptogens—natural substances known for their ability to help the body adapt to stress and maintain balance during challenging times.

  3. Vitamin D and Mood Support: Sunlight may be a natural mood booster, but if you find yourself indoors more often, consider supplementing with Vitamin D, which can support emotional well-being.

  4. Sleep Support: Quality sleep is essential for rejuvenation. Explore sleep aids and calming formulas to help you drift off into restful slumber and wake up feeling refreshed.

  5. Mindful Multivitamins: Optimize your nutrition with well-rounded multivitamins that provide a daily dose of essential nutrients for overall well-being.

The Fullscript shop is full of wellness solutions, thoughtfully tailored to complement your self-care journey. Plus, it's easily accessible-shop, research, and compare ingredient online. By supporting your well-being with nourishing supplements, you're taking another beautiful step towards cultivating a healthy and vibrant life.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible community, I'm genuinely excited to share the journey of well-being with you. Let's continue to nurture ourselves, embrace the art of slowing down, and savor each moment with intention and gratitude.

With love and wellness,


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